family time

Cabin Fever

December 11, 2017

Cabin Fever.  For anyone who spends any sort of time at a cabin in Alberta, or Canada for that matter, there are bound to be days full of blustery, rainy, snowy, or chilly weather.  Often, these many hours or days spent inside, looking outside, can cause something commonly referred to as cabin fever.

Cabin Fever - Lakestyle Inc.

Wikipedia describes cabin fever as “an idiomatic term for a claustrophobic reaction that takes place when a person or group ends up in an isolated or solitary location, or stuck indoors in confined quarters for an extended period. Cabin fever describes the extreme irritability and restlessness a person may feel in these situations.”

Cabin Fever - Lakestyle Inc.

While undeniably, our Lakestyle family has experienced this cabin fever phenomenon on occasion, we have had many more memorable indoor cabin memories that far outweigh the cabin fever days.

Cabin Fever - Lakestyle Inc.

When we are at our cabin, it seems that the pace of life slows down and more time opens up to enjoy some of the activities that we wish we got to more often.  At our cabin, we don’t have TV or WiFi, so our chilly days are spent much differently than they are at home.  On any given cabin fever kind of day, we can be found snuggling on the couch under blankets with a roaring fire, reading our favourite books, completing crafts and colouring at the kitchen table, or cooking tasty treats and drinks in our cozy cabin kitchen.

Cabin Fever - Lakestyle

We also shouldn’t forget those cabin board game battles, as a memorable way to combat cabin fever.  A Chinese proverb wisely says “Just one game they said and started to play – that was yesterday.”  What a lovely way to make a day disappear, but in the challenge found in a board game with family and friends!

Cabin Fever - Lakestyle Inc.

Sometimes, these games become a story of their own, remembered as the ‘Epic Uno Game’ or the ‘Never Ending Monopoly Marathon’, while other tales are told because of the mere level of competition.  I’m sure we have all played with someone at some point who jokes that if you’re not willing to lose all your friends over a board game, then you must not be playing hard enough.

On these less than perfect weather days, I don’t think we realize that we are making memories, we just think we are having fun, spending time embracing cabin fever!


While there’s no doubt, our favourite activity at the cabin is to be out on the water on a fabulous dock, we wouldn’t trade these days. What will you get up to when cabin fever threatens to strike in your neck of the woods?


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @LakestyleCA for more tips about fun times at the cabin.


Lakestyle is a company founded on a desire to help people fulfill their lake lifestyle dreams. By utilizing easy to maintain dock systems and accessories, people are able to spend less time working and more time having fun!  Check us out at, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @LakestyleCA!

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